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What is Intuitive Healing?

Discovering yourself through nurturing your own intuition.

What It Is

We are given so many empowering tools and resources from our Creator, and I act as a guide to help you navigate understanding these tools in order to manifest your best life.  These tools include but are not limited to: tarot, numerology, birth charts, EFT tapping, intuitive healing sessions, neuro-linguistic programming, meditations, and human design.

Colorful Crystal

What It Can Be

Peaceful and Calming

Life Changing

Planet and Moon

What It Is Not

It is not diagnosing a disorder, disease, or prescribing medication for a medical issue.  It is not judgement of what you have or have not accomplished, or what you should/could/would do according to others' standards.  It is not revoking your free will as a human to create your own reality.

Image by Johannes Plenio

My Vision

My vision for any our sessions will always be to leave you better than you arrived.  When we work through healing and traumatic events, it may not always feel better immediately.  However, I do believe if we approach the session with open minds and open hearts, progress will be made each time.  I will create a space for you to heal, and I honor this nurturing role with integrity and a responsibility to your highest good.

What is Intuitive Healing?: Work
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